Ten years too long, The Robison’s

Beaverton, OR (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Ten years too long, The Robison’s

by Erika Landeros Robison

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Beaverton, OR (US)

Erika Landeros Robison is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hi my name is Erika, but my friends and family call me Landy (a play on my maiden name given by my husband). I have been with my husband Luke for almost 15 years and married 10 years. We have two fur babies, Casanova the tv watching pug (13) and Ivey, the grumpy rat terrier (13) that make up our family. Since we have been married we have been trying to expand our family. After we got married we thought we’d get pregnant pretty quickly. Ten years later we’re still here with no baby in arms. I was diagnosed in my later 20’s with Pcos, and struggled for years to get a diagnosis, being told “ I’m still young and have time” always being dismissed. Now, I’m 36 about to turn 37, I have had 5 pregnancies and out of those pregnancies I have had one stillbirth, two missed miscarriages and two chemical pregnancies (one that I’m currently going through).No one tells you how lonely and dark the road of infertility is… and here I am with all the losses of my babies, both my parents, and other loved ones and I feel my life is passing by.. like I have cheated my husband of the gift of fatherhood. The reason I’m doing this fundraiser is to help aid one last effort of an egg retrieval and transfers to hopefully go with it. I know it does not guarantee that we get to go home with a baby, but I’m not ready to throw in the towel. I have fought too hard to stand here to just walk away. I want to finish it my way and know I didn’t let my darkness win. Anything helps, I appreciate you even reading this. At the end of the day I know life isn’t fair, but there’s a time where we can at least know we gave it our all, and I feel this is my last chance to know I did that. For my husband, for the hopeful growing of our family, to honor our babies we have lost, lastly to know I didn’t give up on myself like I have wanted to so many times throughout this journey. Thank you again for reading just a tad about my family and myself.